Tuscaloosa County Elections
Elections are crucial for the democracy of our county, state, and country. It is our goal to provide accurate and fair results, reasonable wait times, and mindful security. For more information use the “Quick Links” section on the left-hand side of each page. If you have any questions, please use the contact list below:
Probate Office – For general election questions such as becoming a poll worker or getting a sample ballot, please call the Probate Office at 205-464-8201
Sheriff’s Office – For questions related to elections security, please call the Sheriff’s Office at 205-752-0616
Board of Registrars – For questions on how to register to vote, please contact the Board of Registrars at 205-464-8415
Circuit Clerk – For questions regarding absentee ballots, please call the Circuit Clerk’s Office at 205-464-8259

Judge Rob Robertson
Judge of Probate & Chief Election Official