Voter Registation
How Do I?
I turned in a voter registration application. Am I registered to vote?
Just because you turned in a voter registration application does not necessarily mean you are registered to vote. Once your application has been processed by your local Board of Registrars, you should receive an acknowledgement from the Registrars indicating the status of your application. This acknowledgement will usually be a voter identification card confirming that you are registered to vote. However, if your application was incomplete, you may receive a letter requesting additional information to complete your application. If you are unsure about the status of your application, you can always call your local Board of Registrars or visit our Polling Place and Registration Status page.
I turn 18 after the voter registration deadline but before the election. Can I vote in the election?
Yes. As long as you turn 18 on or before election day, even if your birthday is after the voter registration deadline, you can apply for voter registration and participate in that election (as long as you meet other voter qualifications). Please note that you must turn your voter registration application in before the 10-day close for voter registration.
It's the day before the election. I forgot to register to vote. Is it too late?
Yes, it is too late to register to vote for that election. To participate in an election, you must submit your application before registration closes for that election. Registration is closed during the ten days prior to an election and on election day.
I have moved from one part of the country to another and want to vote. What should I do?
You must contact the Board of Registrars and submit an update to your voter registration record. Remember, where you live determines who represents you. To be sure you are voting on candidates in the correct district, it is important that you vote in the correct precinct.
When I voted in the Primary Election, I was asked to declare a political party preference. Why is that?
In Alabama, the primary election is part of the nominating process for a political party. It is used to select who will represent a party in the general election. You are required to choose one political party’s primary over another because you cannot participate in the nomination of both parties’ candidates. However, in the general election, you may split your ticket and vote for candidates from each political party.
I voted in my political party's Primary Election. My party is not having a runoff. Can I vote in the other party's runoff?
It depends on the political party. The Democratic Party has a cross-over voting rule which prohibits anyone who voted in the Republican Party primary from voting in the Democratic Party’s primary runoff. The Republican Party does not have a cross-over voting rule. It is okay for voters who participated in the Democratic primary to vote in the Republican runoff. Therefore, if you voted in the Democratic primary, you may vote in either the Democratic runoff or the Republican runoff. If you voted in the Republican primary, you may vote only in the Republican runoff.