Business Licenses
How Do I?
Do I need a business license?
The State of Alabama requires all persons, firms, and corporations that engage in or carry on any business or do any act for which a license is required by law, that he, she, they, or it, except as otherwise provided, shall pay to the county in which it is proposed to engage in or carry on such business or do such act, the amount required for such license and shall comply with all the other requirements of this title per Section 40-12-2 of the Code of Alabama (1975). The Tuscaloosa County License Commissioner’s Office is charged with the issuance of State Business Licenses.
If you plan to conduct business within the city limits of Tuscaloosa or Northport, you may be required to obtain a municipal (city) business license as well.
For a new business or a new location of an existing business, you must visit or contact the Tuscaloosa County License Office at 2501 7th Street, Suite 100, Tuscaloosa, AL, by email or telephone (205) 464-8235, to purchase or update your State Business License. Be prepared to give a detailed description of the type of business you will be conducting, because this will determine the type of licenses required.
Name of Company
Owner Name(s)
Billing Address
Physical Address
Local Office Phone
Home Office Phone
Federal Employer Identification Number or Social Security Number
Type of Business
For more information about business licenses, click here.
What about collecting sales tax?
All persons or businesses that sell tangible property at retail, or operate machines or places of entertainment or amusement must collect sales tax and make reports and payments to all taxing agencies. For more information on collecting sales tax, contact the Tuscaloosa County Special Tax Board.
Mr. Kirk Keith, Manager
Tuscaloosa County Special Tax Board
2620 6th Street, Suite 100
Tuscaloosa, AL 35401
(205) 722-0540
For more information about sales tax, click here.
How do I renew a state business license?
State Business Licenses are valid for a fiscal year beginning October 1, and ending September 30 of the following year. Business licenses are renewed yearly between October 1st and October 31st. Reminder notices to renew are sent out, but are only done so as a courtesy. The State mandates penalties for failure to renew a business license during the specified renewal period.
State Business License renewals can be processed by mail for an additional $2.00 mail fee.